November 2015 Member of the month
Criteria For Member of the Month:
Time: Consistently attends Worship Service, Bible Study, Church Events (i.e. Fellowships with other churches and our own celebrations).
Talents: Willing to work in the ministry where needed without complaining. Can be counted on to complete the actions that they have verbally committed. For Ministry Leaders, the ability to project Christian characteristics, inspire confidence and respect from those who follow you and create an atmosphere of excellence in your ministry.
Treasure: Giving is a part of worship and is a measure of your Christian maturity. “God loves a cheerful giver,” II Corinthians 9:7. Each category is considered in the final determination and no one category out weighs the other.
Time: Consistently attends Worship Service, Bible Study, Church Events (i.e. Fellowships with other churches and our own celebrations).
Talents: Willing to work in the ministry where needed without complaining. Can be counted on to complete the actions that they have verbally committed. For Ministry Leaders, the ability to project Christian characteristics, inspire confidence and respect from those who follow you and create an atmosphere of excellence in your ministry.
Treasure: Giving is a part of worship and is a measure of your Christian maturity. “God loves a cheerful giver,” II Corinthians 9:7. Each category is considered in the final determination and no one category out weighs the other.